Who’s teaching whom?


A school that is built to deliver a quality education in an inclusive manner, sensitive to the uniqueness of each child and open to learn as much as they teach. Tricycle has worked closely with TOS to create some equally unique books that help them tell their story to parents, students and other institutions over the last few years.

Coffee Table Book
The Orchid School was celebrating 10 years and wanted to come out with a limited edition coffee table book to commemorate a long journey, capturing cherished moments, triumphs and emotions. We soon realised that instead of our (an outsiders) perspective, this story would be best told by people who have lived it. That's when we turned to the staff, parents and the students of the school and decided that we ought to co-create it with them. The archives were made open, teachers volunteered to help us with the info and the students were ready to put on their creative hats and join our team of designers in their effort to recreate if not all at least some of the special moments in the journey. The spirit of TOS is a continuous one and though batches of students come and go, the experience is bound to remain the same...and this realisation helped us arrive at the book's title, which wasn't about the years but about what happened in these years. "The past is a prologue to the future" evolved from being just a coffee table book design to become a vivid capture of the school's philosophy.