Who’s teaching whom?


A school that is built to deliver a quality education in an inclusive manner, sensitive to the uniqueness of each child and open to learn as much as they teach. Tricycle has worked closely with TOS to create some equally unique books that help them tell their story to parents, students and other institutions over the last few years.

Every school needs a prospectus, but not every school views this as an opportunity to communicate more than the schools credentials and offerings. The Orchid School (TOS) however, wanted to break this pattern and called on us to bring out the experience of studying at this school. So we decided to view ourselves from the children's perspective, let their voice be ours and let their imagination be our expression. So no lengthy verses, no facts and figures, no sales pitch. What we did instead was to demonstrate how children felt being at TOS. This in a way was a preview to the Orchid experience, simple yet vibrant, stimulating yet fun, curious yet assuring. The eThOS book became a great engagement tool and connected well with the parents and children alike. Being simple was an advantage and even year after still continues to be very effective.