It’s not called freestyle for nothing, you know.


Among the four swimming strokes, the crawl is the fastest, and when asked to swim freestyle, a swimmer’s preference is obvious.

Freestyle, a swimwear brand, had chosen its name with the same thought in mind – to let the brand be about user preferences and not about the brand alone. Traditionally, in the sportswear sector, the industry norm is to club products according to the category and not according to how the products are used. We took this insight as an opportunity to position Freestyle as a brand that empathises with customers and converses with them as an equal. This approach bled into the company’s culture and communication both. Eventually, we helped Freestyle transition from swimwear to fitness apparel.

The Freestyle website is a complete brand ecosystem. It abandons the traditional way of categorising products and instead organises them in the context of their utility. Customers can explore the array of swimwear, sportswear and accessories – based on what they intend on using them for – and discover other uses that they may have overlooked. The website is also built to help customers find their way to the nearest outlets or book online.
What’s your fitness style?
Navigation : Home > Useage (in the pool) > Gender (men) > Category (trunks) > Range (variants) > Product
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